Cat Evans

Narratives crafted with embroidery and other media, none other than Cat Evans! Detail, color, skill, and a hint of macabre, keep reading to enter the world of Cat Evans also known on the internet as Two Mushrooms!

Cat Evans spent her childhood overseas, as part of a foreign service family, exploring new countries and with that a multitude of fascinating cultures. However, she found herself fascinated with the odd, mysterious, and macabre aspects of our world, which inspires her art. Armed with needle and thread, her embroidery has become a way for Evans to continue traveling the world, but with a slightly darker twist.

Having never learned to sew or embroider, we are intrigued with Evans' fresh spin techniques, here's some insight into her process and love of fibers:
Originally taught to stitch by my mother, my hand embroidered art is not what you would call traditional. Having abandoned needle and thread as a young adult to explore other artistic mediums, I did not regain my passion for the fiber arts until the birth of my twins. When looking to continue my artistic journey as a new mother, I found that I needed a medium that was easy to pick up and put down at the whims of two newborns. Embroidery was that medium and has since grown into a full time passion.

More of her stunning work and embroidery found at her website and on Instagram


Originally published 5/27/2019


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