Raili Jänese

Capturing personality in a painting is no easy task, especially when it comes to animals. Raili Jänese creates graphic inspired work, in which she explores the nature of various domestic and wild animals, giving life and personality in two dimensional forms, using just a few lines!
Raili Jänese is a self-taught artist from Estonia, who has always been interested in visual arts and design. She moved to Seattle WA in 2018, where she decided to change career paths and follow her passion for creating art.
Curious about animals and their behavior, she utilizes different characters and shapes in her work. She has enjoyed observing and being around animals since childhood, trying to figure out their nature. She is fascinated by how much an animal can tell us without words; serving as inspiration for simplified shapes on her paintings.
In addition to painting with acrylic mediums, Raili is interested in graphic design and digital art. She can be often found sketching something on her tablet or playing with shapes and colors in Illustrator.
Originally published 9/19/2019
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