Em Deusien


If you enjoy clever illustrations, bold line work, saturated colors, creatures, and a touch of whimsy, you must follow Ritual 44! 

Ritual 44 aka Em Deusien is a Sydney based artist and illustrator with a penchant for witchy, spacey other worldly beings and places.

Art making is something that has come naturally to Em since she her youth, making up and drawing her own Pokemon. As she grew older life distracted her and she forgot how important creating art was to her, it wasn't until 2016 she again heard the call and picked up the pen and hasn't put it down since.

Becoming increasingly disenchanted with the society we live in, she uses her art as a way to escape. She uses her art to create a world that is not dissimilar to our own, but with a gliding of surrealism and whimsy. She creates art that she hopes makes people feel empowered and curious.

Find Em here and on Instagram @ritual.44

Originally published 6/5/2019


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